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Figma Config: Key Product Design Insights from the Conference

Angela Becerra, interviewed by Myra Melillo
September 12, 2024

At Momentum, our product designers are driven by curiosity and passion to grow. They consistently push boundaries to expand their expertise in the ever-evolving field of product design, a domain that demands pushing their knowledge and skills to develop future-forward product experiences.

The annual design conference, Figma Config, brings together creatives worldwide to share ideas and connect. Our product designer, Angela Becerra, recently attended the event in person. In this Q&A, she shares her key takeaways and experiences from the thought-provoking presentations from industry leaders. Read what she had to say!

What motivated you to attend the Config conference this year?

AB: I attended Config last year and had a blast! They had such interesting and stimulating speakers. There was also this buzz all around the conference and everyone seemed so excited to attend. Since I had a great time then, I really wanted to come back for this year. 

What was your favorite part of the conference, and what made it stand out?

AB: It’s so hard to choose! Watching one of my design idols, Simone Giertz, give a talk was definitely a highlight. She’s known for her quirky inventions and has a way of challenging the notion of what deserves to be built or even invented. Simone doesn’t just create practical products—she explores the absurd and unconventional, pushing the boundaries of design and invention to remind us that creativity is about experimentation, not perfection. Her down-to-earth, playful attitude makes this approach even more refreshing.

Another exceptional keynote speaker was Jason Ballard, the CEO and co-founder of ICON, a revolutionary construction technology company. The work he’s doing to solve the global housing crisis through 3D printing is incredibly inspirational. His talk gave insight into how innovation in construction can have a real-world impact—I highly recommend watching the video.

Config attendees at the conference (Photo: Angela Becerra)

Were any emerging trends discussed that the product design community should prioritize?

AB: I wouldn’t necessarily say this is emerging, but artificial intelligence (AI) is definitely here to stay. Designers who embrace AI and aren’t afraid of the technology will fare better than those who shy away from it. At this point, we aren’t afraid that it will take our jobs; instead, we’re trying to figure out AI’s role in our workflows.

There were some interesting Gen Z design trends discussed at the conference as well.  One was that this audience craves authentic and genuine experiences, meaning designers need to create spaces for intimate, real-time interactions. Another noteworthy mention that stood out is the misconception that Gen Z is lazy. In reality, their need for rapid feedback has shaped how they approach digital experiences. They’ve grown up in an environment where information and responses are immediate, so any delay can be frustrating. When we design for this group, we need to respect their preference for efficiency by eliminating unnecessary steps or long onboarding processes. It’s not about laziness—it’s about meeting their expectations for speed and directness in a fast-paced digital world.

Did any unexpected conversations at Config shift your perspective on design approaches and their impacts?

AB: This shifted my perspective on design approaches and the importance of adopting a customized approach when working with clients. It's not about applying a one-size-fits-all solution; it's about understanding each client's unique needs and aligning our strategies to support their specific goals and missions. By focusing on what makes the client's product or service unique and prioritizing resources accordingly, we can deliver more meaningful and impactful results, ensuring our work truly resonates with their business objectives.

Angela is all smiles on the conference floor (Photo: Angela Becerra)

What knowledge did you gain from Config? How do you envision using that knowledge to enhance our ability to deliver innovative solutions to clients?

AB: At Config, I gained valuable insights into effectively communicating accessibility as a strategic business advantage to clients. I learned the importance of emphasizing accessibility as a compliance requirement and a significant business investment that can expand market reach and drive ROI. A key statistic from WebAIM's 2023 report showed that 95.9% of home pages have accessibility errors, highlighting a critical area for improvement. I envision using this knowledge to educate our clients on the business benefits of accessibility, incorporate these considerations earlier in our design process, and develop innovative, inclusive solutions. By doing so, we can help position our clients as industry leaders while creating more accessible digital experiences that cater to a broader audience.

Can you share any new methodologies or tools from Config that could enhance our overall design process?

AB: One tool that comes to mind is the Figma AI feature, which can rename your layers! Sometimes, you're working quickly, and so you unfortunately sacrifice file hygiene. Renaming layers may seem like a small task, but it’s actually a game changer when it comes to maintaining organized files. Properly named layers improve collaboration, especially in large teams with multiple designers working in the same file. It also enhances handoff to developers by making files easier to understand and navigate.

I look forward to using this feature once it’s out of beta.

How do you think the latest Figma updates will impact collaboration between our designers, developers, and clients?

AB: I think supplementing designs with Figma AI’s “Make Designs” feature could help with the brainstorming and wireframing process. This feature allows designers to quickly generate design concepts based on a prompt, which could significantly speed up the initial stages of a project. It helps by automating repetitive tasks and providing a starting point for ideation, enabling designers to iterate more quickly. For collaboration, this means designers can present early concepts to clients faster, fostering quicker feedback loops and allowing teams to move forward with more refined ideas. It’s still in beta, but it could help designers show ideas faster to clients and enhance the overall design workflow.

What was your biggest takeaway from the sessions you attended at Config?

AB: The biggest takeaway from Config was the importance of pushing creative boundaries, even in established industries. This insight was particularly emphasized in Jason Ballard's talk. He mentioned how building a traditional home has not changed much in hundreds of years! Since people have been building houses this way for so long, not many people have tried (or successfully tried) to change this process. This example emphasizes the untapped potential for innovation in seemingly traditional fields, which inspired me to reconsider conventional approaches. With the latest technology at our disposal, there must be a way to build better and more innovative.


There you have it—a glimpse into Angela's enlightening experience and the insights she gained at the Figma Config conference. Not only did she find the event stimulating, but she also walked away with valuable knowledge that will shape her approach to product design.

Momentum Design Lab proudly champions this ethos of boundless creativity and innovation; we are excited to see how Angela will apply the inspiration drawn from Figma Config to push the limits of what’s possible in her craft.

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